The Institute of Indian Foundrymen

A Reference Point for India’s Foundry Industry
ISO 9001:2015 Certified Organisation

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Daily Pour


Date : 12/07/2024  Issue No.: 3525/23-24

Compiled By :  Aarti Ghag , Sr.Officer -WR 


                          B.Ramchandran, Chennai



IIF News

Dear Foundrymen,

Urja Sanchay project of IIF Western Region. 
Here is some good news for foundries with Induction melting units. As an initiative towards  the implementation of the IIF Urja Sanchay project in all the Chapters of WR , the following scheme is being offered to all foundries willing to take part and get benefit from the Urja Sanchay scheme to improve productivity and efficiency of their melt through energy savings thereby leading to reduced electricity bills. 

A team comprised of Sr.Foundrymen with good knowledge of Induction Furnace, refractory & melting practices shall be visiting the foundries in this scheme to guide the melt shop and foundry on ways and means to produce more liquid metal at lower cost.

After his visit and training completion the concerned foundry can interact with him on regular basis over emails etc.for continuous improvements.

Experts are Mr.Shyam Kulkarni and Mr. Anant Bam from Pune who have guided more than 75 foundries under same Urja Sanchay Project, few years back. Both Mr Shyam Kulkarni and Mr. Anant Bam are reputed Foundry consultants in India with over 30 years of experience. 

Please contact WR for complete details of scheme and to enroll your Foundry with WR on email:

Please note that the visits shall be starting from July 2024 and it shall be carried out chapter wise. We request you to kindly enroll and support this initiative of WR.
Thanks and warm regards,

Saibal Sen 
Chairman Western region.
KOLHAPUR CHAPTER has organized Session on Awarness training program on Industry 4.0 on 
 16th July 2026. For more details please take a look @ Flyer.

With Regards, 

Aarti Ghag

Sr. Officer IIF-WR



With Regards, 

Aarti Ghag

Sr. Officer IIF-WR




Thought of the Day

News Letter Supported By


Today's Top Raw Materials Headlines

*** India: Melting scrap prices inch down by INR 200/t d-o-d in Alang


*** India: BigMint's ferrous scrap index falls by INR 200/t amid dull trade sentiment


*** Indian met coke prices drop after 7 weeks on subdued demand


*** India: Ferro chrome prices dip amid sustained market resistance


*** India: Bulk coal vessel freights edge down w-o-w except from Indonesia

*** Chinese ferro silicon prices remain stagnant


*** Chinese Tellurium Ingot Prices in Bullish attitude





Raw Material News

India: Melting scrap prices inch down by INR 200/t d-o-d in Alang

Ship-breaking melting scrap prices in Gujarat's Alang market decreased by INR 200/t d-o-d on 11 Jul'24. According to BigMint's assessment, HMS (80:20) prices stand at INR 35,000/t ($419/t) ex-yard. Need-based trade activity was observed in semi-finished and finished steel in the region during yesterday's trading session. Additionally, moderate trade activity in scrap prompted suppliers to reduce their offers today


India diversifies coking coal imports with trial shipment from Mongolia



India: SAIL-BSP floats over 20,000 t of silico manganese purchase tender

SAIL has issued a purchase tender for 20,500 t of silico manganese (60-15, size: 10-50 mm) for its Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP). The last date for submission of bids is 20 July'24 and the bid offer is valid for 75 days. BigMint assessed silico manganese (grade 60-14, size: 25-150 mm) prices at INR 72,400/t exw-Raipur on 9 Jul'24.


Industry News

Indian scientists decode new class of materials for energy harvesting, power generation

scientists from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) Bengaluru, an autonomous institution under the Department of Science & Technology (DST), on Thursday provided groundbreaking insights into a new class of materials for energy harvesting and power generation.

New Delhi, June 20 (IANS) Scientists from Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR) Bengaluru, an autonomous institution under the Department of Science & Technology (DST), on Thursday provided groundbreaking insights into a new class of materials for energy harvesting and power generation. Their work unraveled the electronic mechanisms governing chemical bonding of new class of materials called incipient metals with metavalent bonding (MVB) within a single 2D layer of Group IV “chalcogenides” that can boost energy harvesting and power generation.

Chalcogenides can transition reversibly between amorphous and crystalline phases in response to changes in temperature, pressure or electrical fields.The study by Professor Umesh Waghmare from Theoretical Sciences Unit at JNCASR, explored the possibility of introducing the metavalent bonding (MVB) within a single 2D layer of Group IV chalcogenides, investigating its mechanisms and the resulting consequences on material properties.

“These materials, termed incipient metals, possess a combination of properties that defy conventional understanding. They exhibit electrical conductivity akin to metals, high thermoelectric efficiency characteristic of semiconductors, and unusually low thermal conductivity, creating a triad of properties that cannot be explained by traditional chemical bonding concepts,” explained Professor Waghmare.The study, published in Angewandte Chemie International Edition and supported by JC Bose National Fellowship of the Science and Engineering Research Board-DST and JNCASR research fellowship, provides a first-principle theoretical analysis focusing on the bonding nature within five different 2D lattices of Group IV chalcogenides.

This category includes compounds which exhibit remarkable properties, transitioning reversibly from a glassy amorphous structure to a crystalline form in less than 100 nanoseconds when subjected to heating or cooling.Driven by an idea presented by Professor CNR Rao, the study aimed to unravel the electronic mechanisms governing the chemical bonding in these materials.

The findings, which took nearly two years of theoretical and computational work, have shed light on the unique properties of these materials, challenging conventional chemical bonding ideas.


4D Additive Software Supports 3D Nesting for Higher Efficiency

The new version of the universal 3D printing software 4D_Additive 1.6 features an AI-supported nesting technology that increases efficiency when operating selective laser sintering (SLS) and multi-jet fusion (MJF). 
CoreTechnologie has enhanced the nesting module of its 4D_Additive 1.6 software for the automatic placement of parts in the virtual build space of a 3D printer. 

By intelligently pre-sorting parts that will be nested and improving calculation accuracy, the software now achieves better packing densities, leading to a reduced printing time with the same number of parts thanks to a lower packing height. The increased packing density and lower overall height lead to shorter machine running and cooling times. 
To avoid heat pockets and achieve optimum surface quality, nested parts need to be evenly distributed. After the actual nesting, an automatic optimization process takes place and ensures that heat pockets are avoided by slightly rearranging the components in the X, Y, and Z directions. The lowest height achieved during nesting is also maintained during heat optimization. Calculation speeds of the new nesting function now take less time due to the multiprocessor calculation and optimized memory management. Large parts are also able to be nested more precisely and will be evenly distributed based on available space. Gaps between the big parts can be efficiently used for the smaller parts. Since the nesting technology creates high packing densities, parameters can be used to limit the maximum packing density and temperature development.

Case Example 

Printing with the HP MJF 4200 printer with a build height of 15 in. (380 mm) and 16 hours is nested with a reduced build height of just 11 in. (283 mm) instead of 14 in. (357 mm) thanks to the nesting function.
With the 1.6 Version, the overall height is reduced by 3 in. (74 mm) and the printing time is reduced by 3 hours. The packing density increases from 8% to just over 10% and the duration of the nesting process is reduced from 8 to 3.5 minutes. With 250 production days per year per machine, an increase in efficiency or reduction in running time of 3 hours results in additional productivity of around 750 hours. The reduced cooling time resulting from the shorter printing time potentially saves up to an additional 9 hours. 

4D_Additive Manufacturing Software Suite reads all common CAD formats and prepares for additive manufacturing processes directly as an exact, intelligent, and light B-Rep geometry. It can read CAD data from 24 different formats such as CATIA, NX, SOLIDWORKS, Creo, Inventor, STEP, and JT as exact B-Rep geometry including all product manufacturing information (PMI), attributes, and design history. It can also process triangulated formats such as stl, obj, and 3mf. 

The CAD models optimized for 3D printing and nested on the build plates can be saved in all common formats such as amf, 3mf, and STL as well as in common slicing formats cli, sli, abf, svg, sls, usf, and g-code.The Texture Module allows users to access more than 5,000 different texture surface structures. 4D_Additives makes it easy to define textures on the CAD model. Simply select the desired surface areas and then apply texture from the database. The size, resolution, position, and height of the structure can be visually adjusted, and a rendered, photo-realistic representation of the model facilitates the work. The software automatically ensures distortion-free projection of the grain over surface boundaries and the precise graphical representation allows real-time assessment of the designed geometry for designing new parts. 

The B-Rep kernel offers quality checks, repairs, and preparations of models in accordance with CAD-engineering standards which are based on exact geometry. In conventional 3D printing tools, CAD models are often already triangulated during the reading process and converted into an imprecise STL description. 4D_Additive enables the check, repair, and handling of the exact original B-Rep data according to VDA 4755/2 standard. These functions analyze the CAD models and automatically eliminate gaps, overlaps, mini-elements, twisted faces, and other errors. Errors that are not automatically correctable are identified and can be corrected within seconds through the clean-up and modeling functions. 

For the best possible heat distribution, the software automatically indicates massive zones that are areas with very large wall thicknesses, in which heat concentration possibly takes place. These areas are highlighted in color and provide information for future component design or positioning of the component. The wall thickness checker can be used to find the areas that are critical for certain processes due to very small wall thicknesses. In addition, the gap measurement detects problem areas and details that are too small for the respective method, such as holes with too small a diameter.


Life Style and Management

Lowering BP, sodium intake may cut 94 mn early deaths

A worldwide effort to lower people's blood pressure, cut sodium intake and eliminate trans fat from

 their diet could prevent 94 million premature deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) over a quarter century, says a study.

Regions expected to benefit mo
st from the interventions include East Asia, the Pacific, an
d South Asia, 

as well as countries in sub-Saharan Africa, said the study published online in the journal Circulation.

"Focusing our resources on the
 combination of these three interventions can have a huge potential impact on cardiovascular health through 2040," said lead author Goodarz Danaei, Associate Professor of Global He
alth at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

For the study, the researchers
 used global data from multiple studies and estimates from the World Health Organization in making their calculations.

They estimated that scaling up
 treatment of high blood pressure to 70 per cent of the world's population could extend the lives of 39.4 million people.

Cutting sodium intake by 30 pe
r cent could stave off another 40 million deaths and could also help decrease high blood pressure, a major risk factor for CVD.

And eliminating trans fat coul
d prevent 14.8 million early deaths.

More than half of all delayed 
deaths, and two-thirds of deat
hs delayed before 70 years, 

are projected to be among men, the researchers found.

The authors said a variety of 
programmes and policies would 
be necessary to 

reduce premature CVD-related deaths. One important strategy would be to increase use of blood pressure medications, many of which are safe and affordable.

The researchers acknowledged t
hat scaling up the three interventions would be a "huge challenge," requiring countries to
 commit additional resources t
o boost health


Jokes All the Way......




Institute of Indian Foundrymen   

 Western Region


706, Madhava, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai-400 051







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